Try the political quiz

7 Replies


If you were a teacher, would you choose to carry a gun in school? Explain your reasoning.

 @9LRSRN4 from Texas commented…1mo1MO

If i were a teacher, I believe that carrying a gun to school could potentially provide a sense of safety and security. In the event of an attack, I would be able to assist and put my life on the line to save the lives of both students and faculty members on campus.


Do you believe having armed teachers would make you feel safer at school or more anxious and why?

 @9LRSVVVfrom Guam commented…1mo1MO


How would you feel walking into a classroom knowing your teacher might be carrying a gun?

 @Politic4lSidProgressivefrom New Hampshire commented…1mo1MO

This bill is a massive step in the wrong direction for Tennessee, essentially acknowledging that we're so far gone in addressing gun violence that arming teachers seems like a viable solution. I believe we should be focusing on stricter gun control measures and mental health support, not turning our schools into fortresses.

 @AboardPunditLibertarianfrom Virginia commented…1mo1MO

I get the concern from all sides here, but honestly, allowing teachers to carry guns could be a solid step towards empowering them to protect themselves and our kids in extreme scenarios. It's about providing a last line of defense, not turning schools into the Wild West. And let's not forget, it's the right of individuals to defend themselves - ensuring that right extends to teachers seems only fair in today's unpredictable world.


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