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Should funding for local police departments be redirected to social and community based programs?


 @HouseofMouse  from Texas agreed…6mos6MO

Top Agreement

There have been many cases to support why defunding would be necessary, such as the death of George Floyd. Although there are cops that claim he was a threat, they handled that claim by suffocating him. As well as this, the creation of Cop City in Atlanta has alarmed people due to its frightening nature.

 @9HRKRQ5Libertarian from California agreed…5mos5MO

Recently I had an unallowed person in my home who had previously locked me in a room and raped me. I asked this person to leave many times. He chose not to and became very belligerent. He then attempted to lock me in a room again. I hit him one time and pushed him out of my house which he shoved his way back into twice. When I called the police for help they arrested me. I lost my job, home, and may not be able to continue my degree. If the police are not here to help and are only her to make arrest, defunding needs to happen.jnjbn

 @HouseofMouse from Texas commented…5mos5MO

I’m so sorry that you had to be put through such a traumatic situation and didn’t get what you needed, especially from an institution that’s supposed to “protect and serve”.