Try the political quiz

166 Replies


What personal values or principles would guide your stance on the level of influence corporations should have in government?

 @9J74F8Y from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

I despise lobbying. The government controls corporations, not the other way around.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

It’s far more desirable that it happens that way, the opposite tends to be revolting. Though, wed have to move further left if that was truly the case, so you might have just presented a case for socialism by accident.

 @9J74KRB from New Jersey answered…5mos5MO

I really don't understand much of this topic, but I think that certain corporate groups, such as the military and scientific, should have a higher influence than those such as agriculture or labour. Not because they are less important but because I feel the others have a bigger impact.

 @9J7BHMVfrom Guam disagreed…4mos4MO

I don't believe corporations should have influence on the Government, it is not in the people's best interest.

 @9J74SX2Independent from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Lobbying brings a coordinated view that should be brought into consideration, but should be heard only as a viewpoint and not essentially buying votes.

 @9J74BDLSocialist from New Hampshire answered…5mos5MO

It's wrong how much power they have over the influence of decisions, the lobbying is ridiculous.


How do you think an alliance between government and large corporations could potentially address or exacerbate income inequality?

 @9HK4QHJ from New York answered…6mos6MO

 @9HK4PKBDemocrat from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

It would make it a lot worse, because the companies would control the government


How important is it to you that smaller voices get heard in a system where big entities hold significant power?

 @9HYCG5B from Utah answered…5mos5MO

I feel like its more important then we think because you never know what that small voice or opion could effect it could be great and change something


How do potential ethical dilemmas in a corporate-governed society concern you regarding your privacy and personal freedoms?

 @9HYBYM8 from Wyoming answered…5mos5MO

when politics and ideology come into play sometimes I worry about my safety because sometimes political parties will target the other.


What concerns might arise in your mind if healthcare was largely governed by the influence of corporatism?

 @9J5QBKWDemocrat from Michigan answered…5mos5MO

There may be concerns of bias based on who gets treated, and how well they are treated.

 @9J5Q3XW from New York answered…5mos5MO

Corporate businesses can find loopholes to be bigger than the government


How do you feel about the possibility of having to choose between job opportunities at a few large government-supported corporations?

 @9L3DYL7 from Washington answered…2mos2MO

People should be free to work any job that they see fit. Some people can't work as well as some when it comes to federal jobs.

 @9L3DVNP from Iowa answered…2mos2MO

This would be extremely vulnerable to corruption, and narrows the job market exponentially, while decreasing freedoms of the American people.


If corporate statism led to faster technological advancements, would the potential loss of competition and variety concern you?

 @9HW93TV from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

Not at all. I believe that structuring, save for some aspects, would be better for society.


In a system where corporations have government influence, how might consumer advocacy change, and what would that mean for you?

 @9HZMCSY from Kentucky answered…5mos5MO

Corporatism does not refer to a political system dominated by large business


How can we ensure that collaboration between governments and corporations does not restrict new entrepreneurs and small businesses?

 @9HK47MG from Maine answered…6mos6MO

Limit the amount of subsidies given to cooperations, to ensure they don't become a monopoly, and reach a significant economies of scale


How might your opportunities for success be different if corporations shaped educational programs in collaboration with the government?

 @9HYCL39 from Michigan answered…5mos5MO


Can a government that embraces corporate statism be true to democratic principles, or is there an inherent conflict?

 @9H4Y9DQ from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

It is possible in the right hands for it to stay democratic, like electing leaders, we basically already are a corporate state being that our government takes our tax money and invests it, then loses it to national debt.


How would you balance the power between corporations and the government to ensure that no group is overlooked?

 @9H8N9PRDemocrat from Texas answered…6mos6MO

The government should create policies to promote fair competition and protect the rights of citizens.


How might the culture of your school or workplace change if larger corporations were more involved in their governance?


What impact do you think a government-corporate partnership in healthcare would have on patients' choices and costs?

 @9KSG3KHRepublican from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

Healthcare should be cheaper but the people working in the healthcare needs to be payed more.


If the government and big corporations joined forces, do you think it would impact innovation, and if so, how?

 @9HK4MND from Florida answered…6mos6MO

i think that it would impact it by giving more power to Corporate Statism


What would be your primary concern if the government had a significant stake in the media companies that provide your daily news?


How significant do you believe the role of individual activists is in a corporatist society?

 @9KG5S45Independent from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

That is stupid and is exactly what a dictator would use to gain power, they would try to use certain blocks against others even more than one already would. And it would be more effective.


How do you perceive the integrity of scientific research when major corporations with governmental ties fund it?

 @9KL9KTSIndependent from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

The integrity is highly questionable when this is the case. Research should be free from bias, and the introduction of these players makes it very difficult to eliminate that bias.


Do you think the influence of corporate-government partnerships on public transport policy would benefit commuters?

 @9LG9WMY from Virginia answered…2mos2MO

Yes, I believe the ads for commuters would inspire and convince them to get a job


In what ways might a tight relationship between government and big corporations shape the public services you rely on?

 @9K8SSHKCommunist from Minnesota commented…3mos3MO

It would make them worse and more expensive than if they were not provided by private business at all.


In a world where multi-national corporations have a hand in shaping local laws, how would you protect your community’s interests?

 @9KFW3XP from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO

I would protect my community's interests by letting them let me know their opinion so I can see if I agree or disagree.


Can you think of any examples where close cooperation between the government and large companies has directly impacted your community, positively or negatively?


Do you believe that a society with corporations closely involved in government could effectively address climate change?


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