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251 Replies


In your opinion, how should schools teach about national history in a way that also promotes social equality?

 @9LDT46S from Texas answered…2mos2MO

By being truthful, factual, and thorough about US history. That includes honest examinations of the genocide of native Americans, the enslavement of Africans, the U.S.’s disgraceful history of imperialistic warmongering and intentional destabilization of foreign countries, political corruption, etc.


Compare things to the current day and how we are progressing and topics that are equitable


Teach the facts of everything and do not add opinions to anything, leave it up to the student on how to interpret it.


What would you sacrifice for the greater good of your country, and where do you draw the line?

 @9HW8WPMWomen’s Equality from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

There is definitely a limit I would go for the good country and especially considering how my country is. I draw the line at risking my well being for the country.

 @9HY7NQV from Texas disagreed…5mos5MO

if you want your country to stay safe then you have to accept what ever comes with that task and sometimes it could be risking your well-being

 @9HY9YKJ from Arizona agreed…5mos5MO

Some people hate the country and I wouldn't want to fight for the country when people are actively trying to destroy it.

 @9HW8T56 from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

Privacy. I would die for my country, I would give money for my country, but it would have to be a true America, and not this fake and ill America, that has been created over the past 30-40 years.

 @9HW92VY from New Jersey answered…5mos5MO

I would sacrifice the food i am able to eat for the people who aren't able to get it

 @9HW8V3Z from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

I will not get rid of my constitutinal rights but i will scrifice my finaces some what if it is going to the right cus


How might national holidays evolve to better reflect the values of unity and equal opportunities for all citizens?


Holidays should reflect the minorities and overall populations achievements along with days off and special discounts on goods not manditory, but incentivised by government.

 @9L63LM2Libertarian from Utah answered…2mos2MO

America has time and time again been called the great melting pot of cultures. By being close minded and sensitive to new ideas and beliefs we are denying our proud badge the world gave us.

 @9L62ZHGDemocrat from Texas answered…2mos2MO


In what way can a strong national identity contribute to building a society where no one is left behind?

 @9JNT6NF from Ohio answered…4mos4MO


Make sure that everyone has a place to lay there head sometimes its unfortunate for the living conditions and the govenment makes more than enough to provide for us.

 @9JNT52D from New York answered…4mos4MO

To ensure that everyone is giving opportunities to level the playing field to make it so everyone has a far chance to become what they want to be


Is it possible for young people to shape a patriotic narrative that includes strong social support systems?


Yes it does matter because young people are the next generation to build and shape and run America but if they mess up we are screwed.

 @9KCCVTLDemocrat from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

Yes, young people can contribute to shaping a patriotic narrative that emphasizes strong social support systems.

 @9KCCV29 from Texas answered…3mos3MO

It all depends on how a young person is raised and what they have been exposed to.


How might fostering a strong national identity combat or contribute to economic disparity in a nation?

 @9HX53MY from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

When people are more for their country they’ll want to do anything to help that country out.

 @9HW97FT from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

I'd say it would combat wealth disparity because, as Americans, our nation is founded on people making their dreams realized. Having a strong national identity would have people chase their dreams which often leads to money. While some dreams don't make millions I do think most people dream of owning buisnesses or doing things that make a lot of money.


What does 'patriotism' mean to you, and how does it influence your stance on social equality?

 @9HKRXDJ  from Texas answered…6mos6MO

Patriotism, to me, is a commitment to one's country's well-being. In embracing patriotic socialism, it means championing equality to fortify our nation's foundation with shared prosperity and justice.


How would the fusion of national unity and economic equality impact your concept of a 'good' society?

 @9HDVY4F from Texas answered…6mos6MO

Maybe make it better because it would combined more of what the general society wants with the economics rather than leaving it to rich people?

  @Hot-Potato  from Florida answered…6mos6MO


How do you see the role of youth in shaping a society that values both patriotism and social justice?

 @9HW8K2X from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

I think it could save the government from the corruption is has always carried.


Have you ever felt a sense of pride in your country's efforts to reduce inequality, and can you share a personal story related to this?

 @9L7FP6Y from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I can not recall a time I had pride in our country's efforts to reduce inequality.

 @9L7FL6Y from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

I have not seen my country do nearly enough to reduce inequality. More must be done to eliminate inequality.


How might Patriotic Socialism alter your sense of individualism within a community?

 @9HDDZLR from Florida answered…6mos6MO

If one doesnt support his country, then how does he support others around him who do?


If your best friend were from another country, how would you explain the importance of combining nationalism with social equality?

 @9KY3SC9Republican from New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

 @9KXYZ2J from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

I believe that being overly patriotic is unnecessary, but I would tell them to be proud of themselves and who they are; if that involves being proud of your country then that's ok.


In what ways can traditional national holidays foster a sense of community and social solidarity?

 @9KN4VP9 from Florida answered…3mos3MO

Traditional national holidays can help bring people together, especially for events like Thanks Giving where everyone celebrates and is thankful for what they have.

 @9KN4V7H from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

It gives people the ability to connect in joyful spirits regardless of if they celebrate or not. Everyones usually in a good mood.


How important is it for a nation to be economically independent, and what sacrifices would you be willing to make for it?

 @9HKSB87  from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

I think it's pretty important that a nation should be economically independent because the US shouldn't have to rely on other countries economically because the US should be able to able to be independent for economic reasons. Idk for the second question

 @mk  from Oregon answered…6mos6MO

"insert word here" Socialism is just socialism in disguise. Socialism has no place in a free society.


How does the concept of putting your country first speak to your personal values and aspirations?

 @9JNMXDF from New York answered…4mos4MO

Putting your country first has some positives and some negatives; we have to fix what's at home before anything else. But there's people across the globe who cannot advocate for themselves. There's been multiple genocides in the last 2 decades. I value the lives of those people, and an ideology that says we cannot back them up just in case it comes across as imperialism or gives us permission to do future imperialism doesn't work, for me.

 @9JNMVNP from New York answered…4mos4MO

We live in this country so we as citizens we should defend it and it’s values


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