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86 Replies

 @9GK28G3CA Common Sense from Maine agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

The...LGBTQ(a lot of plusses apparently) litreally all suffer from gender dysphoria. That is a mental disorder. Why promote an disorder?

 @9GLFNC6 from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

You shouldn't change you body until you are of age because the body has not fully developed so you should wait until then if you still have the same beliefs then go ahead by all means

 @9GKYYW2 from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Only transgender people have gender dysphoria. All modern science concurs that the mental disorder is only able to be treated by transitioning.


All modern science concurs that the mental disorder is only able to be treated by transitioning.

Actually, modern science does not support this. While yes, some places have found findings that all transgender people have gender dysphoria (I wonder why this correlation exists, /sarcasm) this is not an effective cure. Many people have expressed continued problems after their transitions. While some are happy and make it past, some are not. I agree that it is a mental disorder. However, many people who tried a therapeutic route also expressed positive results. It is not factual to state that all modern science concurs, it actually does not, nor that the only treatment is transitioning. In…  Read more

 @9GN97F4  from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

That statement is worded incorrectly, or rather purposefully, in order to force a homophobic viewpoint. Your tone is negative and sarcastic in hopes of swaying the contestant to your personal bias against members of the LGBTQ+ community. This leads me to believe you're not entirely convinced in the cause nor willing to learn. Also, the unnecessary "..." indicates your question doesn't stem from innocence, but rather a mocking rhetoric towards those of an opposite viewpoint. As for the complaint on the many "plusses", there's only one collective plus represen…  Read more


As much of a Grammar Nazi as I am (hail Oxford) this partially constitutes an ad hominem attack.

Your logical fallacy is ad hominem

That is not a valid argumentative tactic. Try again.

 @9HZ8L7C  from Colorado disagreed…5mos5MO

If we're just going to correct spelling and grammar, there's some stuff I would like to mention:

  1. You're in the middle of a word, as well as a sentence, so a new paragraph isn't needed ("one collective plus representing all").
  2. It would actually be led or leads, rather than lead ("this question lead me to believe you gave").
  3. Etc. actually has a period right after it because it is an abbreviation. ("bisexual, omni, etc")

And as for the argument itself, if these individuals that are struggling because of the "issue of poor mental health,"the…  Read more


Actually, they do not. The LGB group and the TQ+ are actually having a major schism right now. The concept of LGB relies entirely on a gender binary existing. That is, what is "gay" if any of the two biological sexes are both considered men? The erasure is unintentional, certainly, but the two groups don't really have much to do with each other. And honestly, yes, the pluses are out of hand at this point. The disorder is promoted because the population is loud, and will try to silence dissenters. Like Jordan B. Peterson. I don't think they're wrong on some things, and…  Read more

 @9G4ZNF2 from Washington D.C. disagreed…8mos8MO

All people, including young people, have the right to bodily autonomy and self-expression. No one else has the right to tell them how they must perform gender or what they can do to their own bodies.

 @9HZ8L7C  from Colorado commented…5mos5MO

 @85HZ8T4Socialist from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

It literally is none of our business. It is a private and personal medical decision process between the patient and their medical provider.

 @9GJJHP9 from California agreed…7mos7MO

Kids should not undergo gender reassignment surgery due to concerns about their ability to make informed decisions and the need for careful evaluation and support.

 @9H57JLZ  from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

I started hormones at 15, and I still think it's the best decision I have ever made. Without it, I probably would have taken my own life.

 @9H2G9DK from North Dakota agreed…7mos7MO

I think there is a lot going on in society right now, and people feel like they have to be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I also believe people need to undergo extensive counseling, screening, and therapy before any type of Gender Transitioning should be allowed or considered, including but not limited to hormonal therapy.

 @9H27MMW from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

As a young person, you are constantly making different decisions. Your brain is not fully developed and if you make that decision to change your gender there is no going back.

 @9FL7JXCRepublican from California agreed…8mos8MO

Show me a teenager that is 100% certain that they know who they are, what they are all about. I will combat that most "adults" can and will not confidently claim they know who/what they believe. Gender reassignment and transition treatments are serious life decisions, that should not be taken lightly or on a teenage whim/trend. A woman who wants their tubes tied usually has to go through many obstacles to make such decisions at a young age. I am not saying that is right, however I think the same consideration should be taken when it comes to a "child" determining whether or not they relate to their gender.

 @9H4L8X5from Guam disagreed…6mos6MO

Let people have their genders, it ain’t no body’s business if I wanna be a girl a guy or a mushroom. I ain’t forcing anybody else to be one.

 @9GDRYKVRepublican from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

The brain is incapable of making fully prudent and beneficial decisions until 24, so you should wait. Your body also isn't the thing that needs changing its your mind

 @9GRLJJWfrom Guam disagreed…7mos7MO

Gender-affirming care can be life-saving to some transgender youth. Treatment like puberty blockers and hormone therapy are in many cases reversible up to a certain point and don't cause harm. Even in the minority of cases where it might, those conversations and decisions should be between the transgender patient and their doctor who will be more informed on the actual effects then the general public is.

 @9GV49KB from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

People should have the freedom to transition, and it is shown to physically and psychologically help transgender people. There are very few detransitioners, and the few who do detransition mostly do it for reasons other than not being trans.

 @9GX78XX from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

A child, under 18 years old, is not mentally developed and able to make the decision that is nearly irreversible.

 @9G367VT from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

The government shouldn’t have the right to regulate someone’s private business. Being against something doesn’t mean it should be illegal.

 @9H548XJ from Nevada disagreed…6mos6MO

In terms of gender transition, I've heard plenty of excuses on why I can't identify with my preferred gender, and I have yet to meet a single reason to rethink my decision. While I agree that young children should abstain from gender-reaffirming surgery until they are of age, I think anyone considering surgery should try living as their preferred gender first, see if they like it, and then later decide to fully transition. For those that present any other arguments related to being against transgender individuals, respectfully, it's none of their business to pry into other's personal lives.

 @9GBJV7D  from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Saying "No" to a transgender person is wrong, it is who they are and what they want to be...people are different but it is wrong to support someone who wants to change their body to how they feel is right to them. If they want to transition then you should be supportive because of what they have gone through in their life feeling trouble able themselves.

 @9G3YTYH from California disagreed…8mos8MO

While I do not understand the feeling of gender dysphoria, It is a mental problem that must be solved with the appropriate care to ensure that suicide rates go down and these people can be functioning members of our society, in order for these 2 goals to be met, Gender affirming care is the safest, and most humane way to go about this.

 @9MD5Q4Y from Virginia disagreed…3wks3W

The government does not have the right to regulate private individual healthcare decisions when, based on the scientific consensus that gender transition is safe and effective in improving the quality of life for trans people.

 @9M76NDQ from New York disagreed…4wks4W

Transgender people under the age of eighteen, should be able to get gender affirming care as those who don't are more likely to commit suicide.

 @9M6DDLF from Michigan disagreed…4wks4W

It is only the person who wishes to transition's choice on what happens to themselves. If they wish to transition, let them. No one else can make that decision for them.

 @9M2WQ9PPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

People make body-altering changes to their body every day. Some of those people get surgeries to correct deformations or other small "Imperfections" on their bodies because their looks heavily affect their mental health and body image. However, it's reasonable to not allow it when they're extremely young, their bodies are still developing. When a person under 18 wants to transition, good for them. Let them take hormone treatments etc. before age 15 or 16. After that, let them be, if you can drive, you can make your own body choices.

 @9LDDFXR from Wyoming agreed…2mos2MO

There are statistics saying that more people are committing suicide after they transition than before. Gender transitions are no good for anyone. They are bad for the patient and make things harder and more complicated for the people around them and in their lives.

 @9GXBXKX from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

it shows that the decisions give a huge boost in mental health. The % of trans kids who have mental issues is very high.

 @9M2BD8N from Michigan disagreed…1mo1MO

All people, including young people, have the right to bodily autonomy and self-expression. No one else has the right to tell them how they must perform gender or what they can do to their own bodies.

 @9LT28L7 from Utah agreed…1mo1MO

You have rights to do what you want with your health. I may disagree, but we can still respect each others rights and freedoms to do as we please within our homes. Do not push your agenda on me or in our schools

 @9LSQXC7Republican from Idaho agreed…1mo1MO

Gender transition people change and have different views and many people who have transitioned a have regretted it and have also said that it didn’t make them feel any different then they did before other then they were the “opposite” gender.

 @evancnnxDemocrat  from Kentucky disagreed…1mo1MO

As a trans person myself, I see that mostly cisgender people tell us what we can and cannot do with our bodies, even when they haven't gone through the same experiences. Everyone has the freedom to express themselves, and they know what is best for themselves. If one is diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a trained psychologist, gender affirming care can be lifesaving.

 @9JSFVNH from North Carolina agreed…4mos4MO

Children are forbidden from making inconsequential decisions like which doctor they go do and which school disctrict they're in; they aren't capable of understanding life-altering surgery.

 @9GRLJ3S from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

People of any age should be allowed to identify with their chosen gender when you know you know even if you are young.

 @9GLNYHF from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

In some states, these bills propose that medical providers be prohibited from or penalized for providing transition-related medical care to minors, including temporary puberty blockers or hormone therapy. In other states, additional requirements—including increased training for medical providers and consent from all parents/guardians (even if the minor has no contact with all parents/guardians)—would delay access to potentially-life-saving care. Other bills also posit that school personnel would be required to report suspicions of gender nonconformity to parents/guardians, potentially endangering the children. Of the bills introduced in 2021, they were adopted in Arkansas and Tennessee. In Arkansas, four families of transgender youth and two doctors have challenged the law

 @9HQ5XVSRepublican from Kentucky agreed…5mos5MO

If your parents have been taught that way too, then they’re probably gonna try to implement it on you and other kids and this sickening act will just continue

 @9HPSV7MRepublican from New York agreed…5mos5MO

You are born in a body girl or boy and shouldnt change your reproductive organs because then you cant make babies for the next generation.

 @9LYNLKY from Kansas disagreed…1mo1MO

Not only is Gender affirming care for the sake of transitioning a life saving resource, it should not be up to the government to decide what someone does to their own body. Along with that, science has proven that there are genetic and external environmental factors that lead into someone being LGBTQ+, including transgender. Thus, being transgender is completely natural. Nature itself has proven this through animals and plants. If it is legal for someone to get breast implants or plastic surgery because they feel better in their body that way, gender affirming care, including top and bottom…  Read more

 @9LQ3WXX from Indiana disagreed…1mo1MO

People under the age of 18 should be able to receive gender-transition treatments. Puberty blockers are completely reversible. I don't believe that anybody below 16 should receive permanent surgery to transition.

 @9HF32Y8Independent from Maryland disagreed…6mos6MO

my argument is that it should be alowd at 16 because then they have had time to think it over and make sure that is what they realy want

 @9GJJ56S from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

There are studies shown that trans kids have a higher suicide rate when they are without gender affirming care than without and that gender dysphoria is a real thing and that HRT and the surgery help. Imagine if you were trapped in the body of the wrong gender. Would you want to go back to normal? if so you would then know how transgender kids feel every day ever since they were born.

 @ATiredTransfemme  from Kansas disagreed…1mo1MO

As a trans person, experiences with gender dysphoria can be intense and torturous, while medical gender transition is rare, it can be extremely necessary and helps to prevent dysphoria, as well as harassment and suicide. The even more pressing issue is increasing bans on social transition, such as banning the use of preferred names and pronouns which are a direct attack intending to isolate trans students and which results in increased harassment against and suicide among trans youth.

 @9H39QD8Peace and Freedom from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

I do not think that people under the age of 18 can do any transitioning surgery, as they might not have fully comprehended everything going on because they are so young. But I do think that they can use things like hormones therapy and puberty blockers, so they don't have to suffer and still have time to make a decision when they are old enough.

 @9H3VGXRfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

It's not reversible, that's been proven over and over.
If a you wouldn't let a kid get a tattoo then why would you let them be permanently chastrated.

 @9GYQJ9S from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

like I said before, people used to just have to live with what they were born as, and they all lived way tougher lives than anyone today does, and if they could live with it, i'm sure anyone today should be just fine.


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