Try the political quiz

25 Replies

 @9FWX5RJ from Oregon agreed…8mos8MO

Who decides what hate speech is? At what point does it move past disagreeing with someone's beliefs and into hate? The definition is too vague, and leaves too much room for interpretation. On top of this, citizens should not have to live in fear of being arrested for their opinions, even if their opinions are unpopular or wrong. America's strength should lie in our commitment to personal freedom and our diversity in thought, culture, beliefs, and backgrounds. That should be what sets us apart.

 @9GD2ST3 from California agreed…8mos8MO

I say yes on Hate Speech because you can technically say anything and its back by your first amendment, and people take the definition of hate speech to far.

 @9FPN3JY from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Hate isn't healthy for either the speaker or the victim of the hate and that hate can lead to violence, which could lead to physical harm or even death.

 @9FNRVL2 from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

You are granted freedom of speech unless it harms anyone. Like yelling fire, your rights shouldn't be taken away because you happen to disagree with the government that is not freedom and takes away the whole purpose of the First Amendment.

 @9F7ZKSD from California agreed…9mos9MO

Hate speech, while seen as offensive and damaging, does not cause extreme harm or damage and should be protected under the constitution like any other speech.

 @99K7Z72Republican from Connecticut agreed…1yr1Y

“Hate speech” is an arbitrary term that cannot be meaningfully regulated by the government. Regardless, all speech is protected under the 1st amendment, and if “hate speech” were to be unprotected, then we wouldn’t really have freedom of speech. True freedom of speech means allowing speech that I may disagree with, find offensive, or even see as hateful or objectionable. This is the trade off we as Americans make for freedom of speech, in my opinion it is worth it, considering the ability to say anything we want, and not having to feel that the expression of our thoughts and feelings is being policed, is a luxury that few countries truly enjoy, and we are lucky to have the most robust protection of speech in the world.


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