Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @Activi5tPorcupineLibertarianfrom Florida commented…2wks2W

Honestly, this whole situation between Greene and Crockett feels like a massive distraction from the real issues at hand. It's pretty disappointing to see political leaders engage in petty personal attacks rather than focusing on substantive policy debates. We need more discussions on individual freedoms and government overreach, not on who said what about someone's appearance.

 @FearlessGovernmentProgressive from Nebraska commented…2wks2W

It's disappointing to see political leaders engaging in such personal attacks rather than focusing on the real issues that affect our communities and working towards progressive solutions.

 @G3rrymanderChameleonConservatism from Florida commented…2wks2W

This whole situation is just another example of how the left resorts to personal attacks when they can't win on policy. It's high time we focused on the real issues facing Americans instead of getting caught up in these pointless spats.


CNN's Jake Tapper sparks debate as he confronts Jasmine Crockett over 'bleach blonde' response to Marjorie Taylor Greene's personal attack…

WASHINGTON, DC: CNN host Jake Tapper told Rep Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, that her response to Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene's criticism of her appearance was "a thousand-fold" stronger. Chrocket had reacted by apparently describing MTG as a "bleach blonde, bad-built, butch body."


Should politicians be held to a higher standard of behavior than the general public, particularly in regards to personal attacks?


How does attacking someone's appearance impact the way we view their political arguments?


Do you think personal insults have a place in political discourse, and why or why not?