Try the political quiz

345 Replies

 @9LM72RB  from Washington answered…2mos2MO

The people should decide what the people are allowed or required to do. The few controlling the many never goes well for anyone.

 @9LM7KRG  from Montana commented…2mos2MO

The entire concept of the United States is that the people control the government, not the other way around, so having more power to the government than the people is backwards to the ideals of the United States.

 @9LLKN96 from Florida answered…2mos2MO

Citizens should have a huge say in what laws govern them, that is why it’s so important for people to vote.

 @9LLLLP8 from Mississippi commented…2mos2MO

 @9LM7S94  from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I feel that both are important, but their should be allowed town hall meeting for the nation where people can share their ideas on laws.

 @9LMPRQN from Pennsylvania commented…2mos2MO


A lot more, regular people deserve more of a say in what affects THEM and what happens to THEM, elected officials are privileged and find ways around the law, run from it, and get away with things easier than a regular citizen. Citizens are the ones who will be affected and they deserve to have the most say in what exactly happens to them.

 @9LSTL5G from Washington agreed…1mo1MO

this is true, classism is very much still a thing and just because when someone who has a fancy job and commits a crime and gets always with it when a young person who has no job, no money commits a crime they’re a criminal

 @9LST356Democrat from Hawaii disagreed…1mo1MO

Elected officials are elected for that reason. If they do not do what they are elected to do then elect someone else next elections.

 @9LL45DL from Florida answered…2mos2MO

i belive we should have just enough to have a say in what elected officils do

 @9LLN7NN from Idaho disagreed…2mos2MO

We have our say when we vote for them. There is no point in voting for a representative if they cannot represent.

 @9LLMTLDLibertarian from Idaho disagreed…2mos2MO

How would that be implemented? Because you have to consider the fact that elected officials are people too and they have their own personalities, beliefs, etc. Also nearly every political office in the government allows the people there to be voted out of power if they are unsatisfactory to the people and be replaced with a candidate who is better suited to serving the people they represent. Also you didn't capitalize the letter "i", misspelled "believe", you misspelled "officials", and you forgot a period at the end of your sentence.

 @9LMRSBN from Louisiana answered…2mos2MO

I believe that citizens should have as much power as elected officials as officials are human and prone to go against what they once promised as time goes on.

 @9LR9H5S  from California disagreed…1mo1MO

All people are biased, no matter what we do people will complain, there’s no reason to vote and have specific candidates. It’s better to just be settled with specific laws and accept it, allowing people to leave if they don’t agree with it. Citizens should be allowed to bring it to the attention of officials, but it overall will make someone unhappy at the end of the day.

 @9LKN4PN from Hawaii answered…2mos2MO

I would say with the way our government is now they know what their doing but could use some citizen input

 @9LLML6T from Texas disagreed…2mos2MO

The government has too much control, the electoral college is a scam, and what the masses want and vote for do not matter to the outcome of the voting process.

 @9LJPYW6  from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

They need more control over elected representatives.

 @9LM7C3Z from Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

The elected representatives know more and understand whats happening deeper than citizens so they should deal with it.

 @9LMRLTT from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

I think that the people should have power, that's what our government was made for anyways was it not.

 @9LN7BF2 from Pennsylvania agreed…2mos2MO

The United States government was made for the people by the people, and although the majority of those who made our government weren't diverse outside of upbringing and possibly sex, we deserve to forge a government as the very people who decided it would be a more beneficial fit than having an absolute monarchy and therefore makes our opinions and the people with them to be very important.

 @9LLFGQG  from California answered…2mos2MO

I feel like the citizens should have more of a say in the amount of laws that are regulageted.

 @9LR7NTVWomen’s Equality from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

citizens need to at least have a apart on how we should live in this country in order to keep peace, rights, and safety

 @9LMWP9X from Rhode Island answered…2mos2MO

y'know, I think citizens should be able to decide the laws, but like elected officials should at least look over em to make sure they aren't stupid

 @9LSWNVWRepublican from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

You're a **** ing retard. its people like you ruining this country, wanting a say in everything. I think citizens should have an opinion, but not "decide the laws".

 @9LM7NCG  from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I think citizens need all of the control, and that government officials should be left to bring those decisions into action given their position in government.

 @9LRY8DR from Illinois agreed…1mo1MO

Hierarchy is cringe. Leaving choice to the most amount of people instead of letting an oligarchy manage our democracy is antithetical to the concept of democracy.

 @9LLMTLDLibertarian from Idaho answered…2mos2MO

Enough so that it both makes citizens feel like they have a voice while preventing the majority from taking over the country via population alone.

 @9LM4Q39 from New Mexico disagreed…2mos2MO

If we attempt to prevent the power of the majority we are enabling a minority of the population to control the policy of our nation. We should not just try to fake giving the people a voice, but should actually do so.

 @9LLFYVK from New Mexico answered…2mos2MO

Citizens have a decent amount of influence over the laws that govern them. It would be best if they had more of an influence because most times it is just a law being brought up by the morals of a politician rather than the needs of the people.

 @9LRH2BQ from California agreed…1mo1MO

The government only works if we obey it and do what were told if they obey our rights and listen to what we want.

 @9LJXQQBRepublican from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

I think citizens should have some level of power, but elected officials are elected for a reason.

 @9LMPWJLWomen’s Equality from New Hampshire disagreed…2mos2MO

The officials are elected to best represent our countrys people so having a person in charge should look at what the people are saying they want and then make the best decision forward.


I believe that the people's voices should be heard as well.

 @9LRB78C from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

Most politicians are owned by multimillionaires or corporations since they spend most of their time raising money for their campaigns and come out millionaires.

 @9LKHWQM from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

I think they should have a good amount of say in this.

  @@BlaneMichaelBakerLibertarian  from Ohio agreed…2mos2MO

America was founded on the idea that the government would serve the people, not the other way around. The Politician in Washington should represent his people not his own interests, and if that means they have to go with something they believe the people would like that they don't then either; convince them otherwise or suck it up.

 @9LKBWCP from New York answered…2mos2MO

Citizens input should be closely considered by their elected officials. They should vote for something based off of what the citizens say.

 @9LKDXHY from Nebraska agreed…2mos2MO

If officials follow what their constituents want and believe in, they are more likely to be reelected.


The citizens should have as much control as possible over laws that govern them, so that they best represent the interests of the people.

 @9LKBK2Y from Connecticut agreed…2mos2MO

Only allowing representatives to have influence over laws only allows them to ignore the opinions of the people they are supposed to be representing

 @9LMY8LF from California answered…2mos2MO

I support the propositions in california, which allow citizens to propose new legislation with enough support. I think in the age of technology, voting is easier than ever, and we should strive towards a society where the people can choose what they want.

 @9LQSG5Sfrom Guam agreed…1mo1MO

Government quite simply should not hold absolute authority. They should be capable of making decisions, but not without public approval.

 @9LLBJVD from New Mexico answered…2mos2MO

I think citizens are directly affected by laws so they should have a little influence.

 @9LMB2VP from Montana disagreed…2mos2MO

We elect the people that are in the office, so they should do what we want. Citizens should have the biggest say in what laws are being passed that govern them.

 @9LL3QTD from Texas answered…2mos2MO

Citizens should be very influential in these issues

 @9LL8BNY from California agreed…2mos2MO

I believe that since citizens are affected by laws that govern them, they should be represented well in times when they want change.

 @9LKDXHY from Nebraska answered…2mos2MO

Elected officials should be coming up with laws, and the citizens should be voting on them. Citizens should also be recommending ideas for laws to their officials.

 @9LQ5SVPWomen’s Equality from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

If we have more say as the people who are required to follow the laws we would make laws that are fair and just for all no matter what.

 @9LJSFKT  from Colorado answered…2mos2MO

I see good reason to have elected officials that represent the populace, especially as our populations continue to increase, but the people should still have a much greater influence on the laws that control our lives. It's clear most elected officials do not have our best interests at heart and should not be trusted with that much power.


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