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 @9H8WTT7Republican from Texas answered…6mos6MO

 @9H936M4 from California answered…6mos6MO

yes, each nation should always prioritize their own people

 @9H93MYK from Michigan commented…6mos6MO

the people of a nation is the future, without people there will be no nation

 @5G5Y377Socialist  from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

It is ideally the purpose of a government and country to serve its population to the best of its ability, however it has been demonstrated that cooperation and solidarity produces greater results than nationalism or isolationism.

 @9H8NCJ7 from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

I think it is more important to prioritize the citizen's well-being over global cooperation because, in your home nation, the people in it should always come first before anybody outside of it.

 @9H8NZYDRepublican from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

Yes, because America's first priority should always be its citizens, not the citizens of another country.

 @9H7ZZ7N from California answered…6mos6MO

I think it is important for a country to prioritize its own citizens due to the fact that the reason a country stays running is because of its citizens and without them the country will collaspe.

 @9H8VNNV from Georgia answered…6mos6MO

I think citizens’ wellbeing should be prioritized because with people sick or ill, most people won’t cooperate anyway.

 @9H87MDM from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I think it is important because if we do not prioritize our own citizens how are we going to help other nations.


how could we help other countries if ours citizens are struggling, our citizens should be top priority.

 @9H8RXPJ from Florida answered…6mos6MO

I believe that it is important for any country to put themselves first in every aspect of their best intrests

 @9H97ZN7 from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

I think that a country's citizens should be the first priority of the government, unless it is going to damage the lives of people in other countries

 @9H8NMPGCommunist from Washington answered…6mos6MO

Very mildly yes. a slight priority to issues concerning their country, but they should also be deeply tied into the international stage.

 @9H8KTGL from Washington answered…6mos6MO

Yes because only once a country has internal stability should they seek to help out in global efforts.


I think its important to prioritize its own citizens. Prioritizing other nations would leave the citizens abandoned, as for the US many americans are struggling financially however the US is too focused on foreign issues.

 @9H8FP9B from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

The country should prioritize its citizens to ensure their prosperity and security.

 @9H98L8N from Delaware answered…6mos6MO

I think the government should definitely focus on what's happening within our nation, but I don´t think we should exclude global cooperation.

 @9H65494Reform from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

Yes because the only reason a country is a country is because of its citizens who strive to keep the country around.

 @9H7LFPK from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I would argue that its more important to care for the citizens well-being over global cooperation

 @9H7RNV5 from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

Country citizen are the most important things. They should prioritize its citizens' , usual it wasn't benefitial for trade and other things.

 @9H9CRSDLibertarian  from California answered…6mos6MO

Yes it’s more important for a country to prioritize their own citizens, because every country has different values and should abide by their constitution.

 @9H8Z39C from California answered…6mos6MO

It presupposes the existence of nations and tends to promote the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining its sovereignty (self-governance) over its perceived homeland to create a nation-state.

 @9H8S2CH from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

Yes because if the government cares so much about our freedom they should be aware of how it happens

 @9H8CG6K from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

Americans fight for America, im not going to go to war and say "FOR THE FRENCH!!!" because im not french im american so im fighting for America not france. im fighting for my people, i dont care about other countries as much

 @9H8NCP6 from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

If we don't have our own country together how are we gonna help anyone else?

 @9H7SBX6 from California answered…6mos6MO

yes because the people of our country should come before the people of others

 @9H8PWJG from Texas answered…6mos6MO

Yes because the country should be able to deliver imported goods from Poland to the Us

 @9H8VQRJ from Texas answered…6mos6MO

Yes, without a country's citizens the government would fall or there would be a revolution

 @9H7VRH9Women’s Equalityanswered…6mos6MO

I'm not too educated on other countries' rights, laws, and opinions, but I think each nation/country should not bring beliefs or opinions into rationality. People need to think.

 @9H8WBSQWomen’s Equality from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

it not that important everybody should be protected by the government they resign in

 @9H927YNPeace and Freedomanswered…6mos6MO

Yes, because global cooperation can take place if citizens' have a good wellbeing.

 @TotallyNotAttila  from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

they are both equally important "all men are created equal" regardless of where you may be from

 @9H88JYWLibertarian from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

 @Name-IrrelevantConstitution  from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

The better question is "why WOULDN'T a country prioritize its own citizens?" Governments don't exist for the sake of the world. They exist for the people who built them. Voting for a leader who will place globalist agendas over the wellbeing of your own family is antirational.


I believe that the citizens make the country and there have been too many instances where the citizens of he US have gone unheard and I believe that as a country, they should do everything in their power to stengthen community and make sure the people and citizens are okay,.

 @9H97WT8 from Georgia answered…6mos6MO

I do, I feel the citizens, aka the people, deserve to have their wellbeing put first rather than global cooperation.

 @9H942Z8 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

A citizens well being should be cared for right now, since people are slowly going insane right now here.

 @9H92YD6 from Georgia answered…6mos6MO

Yes, this is because the country may not have the excessive finances to support global cooperations.

 @9LDD6M3Peace and Freedom from Oregon answered…2mos2MO

No, everyone in the states should be treated with the same respect and courtesy as a us citizen. Nationalism is wrong and leads to wars.

 @9LG4C88Republican from Minnesota disagreed…2mos2MO

That yes we should treat non citizens with respect but only hen the circumstance is right. If there is a threat all US citizens should be prioritized.

 @9LG47N3 from Missouri agreed…2mos2MO

A man’s duty is to himself first, and then his family, then his community, then his county, then his state, then his nation, then his species and then finally the world.

 @9LG457D from Utah disagreed…2mos2MO

Nationalism is not what is at question. Its the health and confidence in the Government that the GOV should focus on. It should also focus on those who are citizens inside it before those who are outside it.

 @9LG346B from Maine agreed…2mos2MO

Absolutely, if a country cannot survive at all without the help of others at this point in time there's nothing we can do to make it better. Africa, to begin with, needs to be cut off from aid and learn to stand on its own two legs for once, otherwise the only thing we can do is offer to re-colonize it and take charge of their natural resources in return for our stabilizing presence.

The West has sent almost 3 Trillion dollars in various forms of aid to Africa over the past few decades; and the only thing that has done is to further corrupt their political class and offer no significant…  Read more

 @9KWL7YXPeace and Freedom from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I think citizens’ well-being should be prioritized because, with people sick or ill, most people won’t cooperate anyway.

 @9KYZKBN from California agreed…3mos3MO

Well we are the people living here and building this nation and we should come first before any nation outside of the U.S

 @9KWNB77 from North Carolina commented…3mos3MO

 @9KPWL52 from California answered…3mos3MO

i think its important to put first dibs on the people of the nation, but world cooperation is one of the best things to happen in the last 1000 years

 @9KQDMMG from Kentucky commented…3mos3MO

We should be able to coop with the rest of the world while still putting America first.

 @9KQ75KK  from California agreed…3mos3MO

The citizens of the country should always come first, but that is only possible if we cooperate with other nations.

 @9H9D6V4 from Florida answered…6mos6MO

If the citizens are unhappy, it is likely a country will fall apart quickly. That, or the people within it will be fighting among themselves.


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